Around Greece in 80 stays

hotels and guesthouses of character

Around Greece in 80 stays

hotels and guesthouses of character

Vinke Jacoline, Bakker Andre

  • Disponibile in 7 giorni
  • Possibilità di reso entro 10 giorni lavorativi
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  • Spedizione tracciata con SDA

€ 35,00
This book is a writer’s journey around Greece, with as signposts the hospitality provided at the most exceptional accommodation the country has to offer to discerning travellers. Jacoline Vinke has written about 80 hotels and guesthouses of character, 80 unique places to stay in the Greek mainland and the islands, each with a story to tell. André Bakker has photographed them, capturing in his images what makes them stand out as exquisite, truly welcoming places and absolutely worthy destinations. This book will appeal equally to those interested in discovering the best of Greece, away from mass tourism, as well as to those with an eye for aesthetics and beauty.
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