Ships of splendour

passenger liners in colour

Ships of splendour

passenger liners in colour

Miller William H.

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€ 45,00
This beautiful book presents a review of passenger ships from the 1940s through to the 1960s and the onset of the jet age. The fleet includes varied representatives: the great Cunarders, the United States, France & Michelangelo from the North Atlantic, but many others as well—ships such as the Southern Cross, Windsor Castle, Canberra & Oriana. Other, smaller liners also appear, ships such as the Aureol, Batory, Guglielmo Marconi, Hanseatic, Queen of Bermuda & Willem Ruys, complete with notes, historic facts and anecdotes, about these ships, all broken up by decade. - A colori le grandi navi passeggeri degli anni 1940, 50 e 60. Ogni immagine viene corredata da didascalia con dati storici e aneddoti vari.
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